Showreel and thesis after three year part-time study and graduation as 3D Visual Artist.

The aim of this and future work is, or was, to let the boundaries between real and fictional flow and to immerse myself in an active discourse about realism and illusion. The peculiarity of the film to copy reality made realism a fundamental part of film aesthetics. On the one hand, realism can be viewed as a unique privilege of the medium; on the other hand, it expresses the fact that realism is nothing more than a simple reflection of reality. But basically no statement can be made about reality in simple reproduction. André Bazin made the following statement in his standard work "What is film?": " In the end, instead of the original reality, there is an illusion of reality, which is composed of a mixture of abstraction, convention and authentic reality."



The entire content was produced exclusively by me without any external production support, except three of the drone flights, the sound and of course with the tireless support of my love Jessica Turkavka. It was completed within six months — beside my regular work.

The main part is CGI (Computer Generated Imagery), filmed material and green screen footage used for further compositing.